Life’s extreme highs and lows teach us who we are; they show us our grace when we’re on top and our grit when we’re down low. But it’s what we do in those neutral zones like the one we hit today that can really define us. Tend to the goal. Practice when you don’t feel like it. Work when you don’t want to. These are the defining moments.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). You’ll decide to go forward, thinking that even the worst-case scenario will be manageable to you. Once you’ve made your decision, start envisioning only the best outcomes you can dream.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). People who can only see things one way, their own, should be easy to predict. If you think they will throw a wrench in the efforts, don’t waste time with them. Choose supportive company.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Wondering why you’re not there yet? Maybe there is no “there,” only resolving “here” to the best of your ability. As you apply yourself to your present environment, you are the embodiment of a key unlocking your own fate.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). If you’re not finding the cool arrangement you want, it’s only because it’s up to you to make it happen. It is well within your ability to put this together, or, if necessary, invent it.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). The goal is the same, but your motivation has shifted, begging the question, “How badly do you really want it?” You can change the intensity of your appetite by focusing more or less on it.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Your sense of responsibility extends further than most. You don’t always feel like driving the bus, but you’ll do it in a heartbeat if the person behind the wheel doesn’t seem competent.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Your worldview is unique and ever-changing. You’ll enjoy learning what others see, and this broadens your capacity and knowledge. Wisdom cannot be achieved alone.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). The classic story structure has something to teach us all if we’re not careful: pride goeth before the fall. Don’t be afraid to pursue your ambition, but do it with humility.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). It’s not a favorable time to open the arena to outsiders. You don’t need a hero to save the day, especially not one who isn’t as familiar with “the day” as you are. Let the day evolve with the original team.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). When you choose to fight, you also choose destruction. A decision to create or educate is a decision to build. What’s right for one time is wrong for another time. What will best serve the current situation?
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). If things are mostly agreeable, you are wise to go along. Nitpicking is for another day — a day when you’re paid to deliver detail-oriented work.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). The stronger move is actually the softer move, too. It takes fortitude to forgive and security to be compassionate. The weak find it difficult to nurture others as you do now.
TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Sept. 3). Physical vitality increases, and you feel more attractive than ever. Future you will whisper into your ear, guiding the next moves to a place that will be comfortable fun to inhabit later. An investment will pay dividends for years to come. You’ll be trusted with problems to solve; leadership will bring you to foreign soil. Aries and Gemini adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 4, 44, 1, 2 and 19.
WEEKEND LOVE FORECAST: ARIES: What you do for a good relationship, you do for you. TAURUS: Think ahead. Imagine what will be expected of you. Brush up on etiquette. You’ll thank yourself later! GEMINI: A master diplomat, you apply sensitivity in all matters and avoid subjects that are potentially hot spots. CANCER: Every interaction is an opportunity. You take a moment to put your attitude where you need it to be. LEO: The one who gets your humor and can make you laugh, too, has more than 10 other things in common with you. VIRGO: You don’t really know a person until you travel together. LIBRA: When you take the time to learn what delights you, you’re actually making it easier for others to connect with you, too. SCORPIO: Pacing matters. You have to get in sync with the one you love before anyone can properly lead or follow in the relationship. SAGITTARIUS: You like when a person pushes your boundaries a bit, but not all the time. That’s too taxing. CAPRICORN: Your honesty is disarming, and you don’t mind if your truth is a bit entertaining, too. It’s better than being boring! AQUARIUS: The front you present also happens to be what’s at your core — refreshing to all. PISCES: When common ground is hard to find, don’t belabor it. Better to move to the next person.
COUPLE OF THE WEEKEND: When the sun moved out of Leo recently, the cat was both relieved and a little let down and wondering, “Now what?” Virgo sidles up, glowing with the planetary love and plenty of suggestions. These two are both diligent workers, and as a team, they’re hard to beat. With Virgo’s practical magic and Leo’s entertaining charm, they get things done together without becoming overly serious on the way.
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