Dick Weber was professional bowling’s first bona fide superstar. A founding member of the Professional Bowlers Association, Weber won 30 PBA Tour titles in his career and is one of only two bowlers to win PBA championships in six different decades. (The other is Johnny Petraglia.) Lesser-known fact: It’s likely that Dick Weber was the model for the silhouetted bowler in the PBA logo.
What is considered a perfect score in a single game of 10-pin bowling?
A) 100
B) 200
C) 300
D) 500
Previous answer: “Mondo Trasho,” “Pink Flamingos” and “Hairspray” are among the works of director John Waters.
TRIVIA FANS: Leslie Elman is the author of “Weird But True: 200 Astounding, Outrageous and Totally Off the Wall Facts.” Contact her at [email protected]