The nature of love — a renewable resource that never depletes — is a theme of the last days of the sun in Libra. Jupiter straightens out, and so does Mercury. Then the full moon in Aries puts fierce energy behind the love warriors. The loveable give love. The more they give, the more loveable they become. Adoration isn’t always returned from the same direction it was given, but it will certainly be replenished — of that you can be certain.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). In novel situations, differences in personalities become more pronounced. It baffles you how those who have lived around you for so long can have a completely different idea about what’s appropriate, helpful or effective. This doesn’t have to be a problem though. It’s only frustrating if you try to control it.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Take an inventory. Determine how a relationship is helping you and how it hurts you. Even very pleasurable and joyful relationships have their painful aspects. Indeed, the effort and sacrifice you are willing to endure for a relationship is a measure of love and the tangible evidence of a bond’s significance.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). The best thing to learn is how to learn. Mentor relationships are bursting with potential and good fortune this week. The teacher is not superior to the student, just further along in a particular journey of knowledge. Guided by the needs of the situation, the teacher will learn as much, if not more, than the student.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). You’re highly motivated, but don’t sign up for too much this week. Being too busy is counterproductive because you also need to be able to assimilate what you’re learning, act on the opportunities that come together and absorb what you’re experiencing. So dive into the pool — not the ocean.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). It’s cumbersome enough to pick up the burden that was already yours to carry. And while it seems like an inopportune time to agree to anything new, you might be surprised at how adding one more thing can organize and balance you. Suddenly, your priorities will become clear, and all will align to support them.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You have options and as an independent spirit, you’re free to exercise them at any given moment. Living light makes this possible. You don’t need much. This week, you’ll come across something you want that would require you to give up some of your lovely freedom. The best things are worth sacrificing for.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Your interests are numerous and varied, which makes you immune to plagues of narrow-mindedness. You’ll give a little time in a few different directions today. You’re not scattered; you’re bringing together elements that wouldn’t be combined were it not for your eclectic taste.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You won’t get it done your way today, but you’ll get it done a way, and that’s good enough to get to the next step. For a few rounds, your advancement will depend on your willingness to compromise. That will change in the weeks to come though, and you’ll soon be able to call the shots that matter to you.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Once upon a time you gazed longingly toward distant possibilities. Put a pin in that distant vision and look only at the next three steps. Then narrow the focus further to the one action you can control — the work happening now. You’ll draw that shimmering future to you sooner than you thought possible.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). From where you stand, it is impossible to see the entire scope of what is relevant, but you can trust that you are being led along a path. It will occur to you to share something you didn’t plan to share. Being bold enough to act on what you’re feeling will work out well for all.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). The breakthrough comes disguised. It looks like a failed attempt, feels like a loss and drapes like a robe of embarrassment. It’s really the clearing on which your ensuing incarnation will be built. Take up your own side. These are lessons — layers of learning. They do not define you; they just inform your next moves.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Both social and solar circles follow principles of attraction. Stay aware of what people want. You’ll observe best because you release your assumptions and let go of wishing the desires of others followed your preferences. You will follow where their attention flows and from there, the world will open up to you.
THIS WEEK’S BIRTHDAYS: Your daily rituals will be overhauled in the next 12 weeks as you settle into habits of efficiency and strength. You’ll realize who you need to be to make a dream come true. Bit by bit you’ll shape yourself into the new version. The ones you meet while sharing your talents will figure into your big picture. Someone you help will rise to accomplishment, which will fortify you more than if you’d done it yourself.
Write Holiday Mathis at