Things wind to a close at this point of the Scorpio solar journey, and we consider what’s next. The most efficient approach to any venture is to set it up correctly from the start. The preparation stage is crucial. Do your research. What will it take to start things out on a solid foundation? There’s no perfect first move, but there are better ones. Don’t let the rigors of beginnings intimidate you from starting at all, though. Be brave.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). First-time meetings count more. You’ve an advantage in this department as the sign of beginner’s luck. You come in with energy to match the scene. You fit in then lift the perceptions, the mood and the potential of the group. Your arrival as a fresh face will have a powerful impact. So, be sure to go somewhere new.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Not having any idea where you’re going isn’t the most comfortable feeling, yet it will work out better than any plan you could have dreamed up. There’s something you long for, and you’re open to receiving it. Though lost, you’ll act out of curiosity and gratitude, and doors and hearts will open to you.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Are you working on the right thing? Taking the time to master a skill is most satisfying with an expertise that matters. Is it a good fit? Can it be applied to help people? Gather opinions not because you’re going to follow what people say but because hearing the world will make you more certain of your path.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). You’ll spend a good chunk of time thinking, eyes glazed over, wheels of your mind whirring almost audibly while you try to figure a thing out. If that’s not working, back off. Hold the space open and wait for an answer to drop in. Either way, you’ll eventually get what you came for and be pleased with the end result.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Just when you think everything is set, it falls apart. That’s a good sign. Cookies are meant to crumble. It means you’re tasting life. If you don’t bite them, they’re a sculpture at best, pretty trash at worst. It’s your bite that makes it dessert. What if taking pleasure in your life was your job? How would things be different?
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Some dreams die in the face of reality and some dreams thrive on reality like it’s their oxygen. Of course it is possible to change reality, but it’s much easier to change the dream to one that fits the current scene. Try to understand reality as fully as possible, then come up with a dream that will benefit many.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). What you think is very clear and easy to understand is not as obvious to others. If they don’t figure it out right away, don’t take that personally. Everyone’s brain is different. Communication is best made very simple this week. Break information down to its most essential elements.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). The stellar work of others can inspire you or discourage you, depending on how closely related it is to the work you’re doing. You’re more likely to get a lift from experiencing excellence in an adjacent area, not the exact one you’re in. It’s a week to cultivate new influences and expose yourself to greatness.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You know your goal and you can clearly see everything it includes. Things it does not include are also obvious. It’s as though all distractors are painted bright yellow so, for the most part, you will steer clear of them. If they get snagged into your scene, you’ll pluck them out. Your focus is astounding.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Greatness is within your grasp; it happens with practice. Memorization is key. Also, what can you get out of your mind and into your body? Repetition to the point of autopilot will be like clearing out an extra drawer in your brain. The more you put into your memory banks, the higher your performance can go.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Optimism is a lot of things: uplifting, healing, essential to well-being. But one thing that optimism isn’t is funny. Humor depends on the tension between positive and negative forces. So, if you’re feeling a little more negative than you’d like to admit, consider the power in this. Humor heals.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You’ve lavished plenty of attention on one person or a single detail; it was what the situation called for. Now, a wide focus is needed. You will survey, manage and integrate multiple factors from outside and inside yourself. You’ll change your world as you spread your attention across a large canvas.
THIS WEEK’S BIRTHDAYS: You are one of those people who don’t know their own beauty or strength, but that’s probably a good thing. You’ll revel in the evidence, never taking for granted how capable and adored you are. When two people say approximately the same thing to you, you’ll take notice. Then you’ll hear it from multiple unrelated sources; it’s a sign! You’ll act and start an entirely new trajectory. You’ll bring home a prize in February. You’ll better people’s lives through education in the spring.
Write Holiday Mathis at