Santa Claus, seen here at a previous tree lighting, will arrive at the Deer Park Town Center on Saturday night.
Santa will jump-start the holiday season when he arrives via firetruck Saturday night at the Deer Park Town Center.
His visit coincides with the annual tree-lighting and fireworks display. The festivities will begin at 6 p.m. at 20530 N. Rand Road, Deer Park.
Ongoing holiday events at the outdoor mall include the annual Toys for Tots, with donations accepted at Suite 133 through Dec. 10.
Beginning at 10 a.m. on Black Friday, Nov. 26, the first 100 Deer Park Town Center shoppers will receive a goody bag that includes one gift card to a story or restaurant ranging in value from $10 to $50.
Registration is also open for the annual Deer Park Cocoa Classic 5K on Dec. 11. Proceeds from the race benefit Mane in Heaven, a miniature therapy horse organization.
For more information, visit