At the start of this new moon week, an alignment of Mercury and the Sagittarius sun comes with declarations, goals, intentions and promises. The more public these statements are, the more likely they are to be followed up. And under this sky, action begets disproportionate and wonderfully lucky momentum.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). You know what’s going on and you can’t believe others aren’t paying attention. No matter. You’ll remedy the situation and get everyone up to date, and you’ll even be generous enough to spell out some complicated intricacies.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You’ll mingle. The perfect question isn’t the mannered one. Conversation that doesn’t involve risk doesn’t involve fun. Find out people’s connection to the event. Small talk leads to big talk.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). The past is a prologue to the decisions you’ll make today. What happened back there will play into your current confidence level. You’ll clearly see the route to creating thought patterns that support self-sufficiency.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). You’ll enjoy yourself. You’ll work and play in your favorite way. Your chances for connection are highest when you’re in this mode. People feel your joy and want to be a part of it.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You admire decisive people, and today you’ll be one, too. It’s not that you know what you want, it’s that you just choose and commit to the choice. This is the way of winners.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You will be expanded by learning how others think. Your version of the truth is not the same as another person’s, but both are equally true. You don’t have to lose yourself to tolerate the truth of another.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). There’s a sense of anticipation, though you’re not sure exactly what you’re looking forward to. All the same, waiting idly is not advised. Light busywork will clear your decks so you’re ready to receive.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You just have to be stubborn. No matter how difficult the task, how slowly the work comes together, how altogether discouraging the odds seem to be, persistence will win out.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You show people how to treat you by the way you treat yourself. You give off strong indicators today that you’re to be respected and delighted. Others pick up the cue.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Circumstances change. Try and see this as a neutral event. Stand strong and curious, watching it all unfold. Get an accurate overview of the scene, and your next great move will be obvious.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Your effectiveness depends on a balanced understanding of your emotions. Seek clues from the outside. What you’re attracted to in music and other media will say a lot about your internal state.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). It is normal and healthy to question yourself. Your doubts will not thwart your progress unless you stop and examine them in excruciating detail. So, don’t dwell on the hiccups. Keep it light and move forward.
TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Nov. 28). There’s nothing like the pleasure and satisfaction of seeing the difference you make. You’ll overcome barriers to economic ease. You’ll connect with kindred spirits for the common good. You’ll grow so happy in a situation that you’ll wish to freeze time. Nonetheless, even better configurations will lie ahead. Scorpio and Capricorn adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 8, 30, 1, 33 and 18.
FORECAST FOR THE WEEK AHEAD: As Neptune goes direct, we’re reminded often that we cannot fully control the experiences that eventually become seared into our conscience. These events make memories that steer our future thoughts and subsequent decisions without our full consent.
Since there will always be a part of life that is not up to us, taking charge of what we can is absolutely essential to our well-being. The realm of our control often includes where we go, who we go with, our reactions, takeaways, etc. The Sagittarius sun sends arrows pointing out what is possible for us to do. No matter the degree, we can set ourselves up for success.
A solar eclipse and new moon in Sagittarius warns against the power of confidence. Many are bamboozled by the overly self-assured. There are those whose relaxed manner will make them look large and in charge. These types are given power. Whether they know what to do with it or have any competence will be irrelevant. Infuriatingly, there may be no negative consequences for a lack of competence. Baseless self-satisfaction won’t even come across as narcissistic. The most confident people are just considered favorite in the group. Be smarter than the mob. Make people earn their place. The disease of entitlement is fueled by those too unobservant to recognize it and those too lazy to call it out.
CELEBRITY PROFILES: “The Problem with Jon Stewart” is a new Apple television series in which Jon Stewart time-travels from the future to solve the problems of 2021. The Emmy-rich writer, producer and host is a Sagittarius with natal moon and Mercury in the sophisticated sign of Sagittarius, too. He has interviewed presidents and royals, making the seriousness of politics a more palatable package for all.
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