One definition of success is being the most like you that you can possibly be. Another definition is losing yourself to the flow as you merge with your endeavor. There’s no right way to be successful, only more or less-fitting ways. Under the auspicious trine of Mars and Neptune, many will embody success first and define it after the fact.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). You still get a little nervous at showtime, but you’ve worked pretty hard on your skills, and if they don’t meet the task in some way, you can trust that you’ll find the solution as you go.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You don’t really try to bring out the best in people; it just happens because of how you see them. You’re expecting people to be good, fun and interesting… and they will not disappoint, at least not while they are around you!
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Limbo may be a fun game but it’s not a fun position and is undesirable as a destination. So, a decision must be made. Either way, it’s going to be better than the uncertainty of wondering which way to go.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). Like an artist who steps back to behold a work in progress from a distance, you begin to see the shape of your life. You’re objective. What you observe with fresh eyes will inspire you.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You don’t mind dialing your energy to match that of others, but if you too often have to adapt yourself so as not to outshine anyone, it’s time to consider whether you may thrive in another kind of environment.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). It’s hard to get things done when so many compete for your attention, but the good that comes out of it is that you will be inspired to create your own environment.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Your intuition is a mysterious visitor, often showing up in full force and without warning. Your intuition won’t be commanded or controlled but it can be invited and will come more often when you delight in its presence.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You support the best in others and give assistance without creating dependencies. Your sincerity will not be assessed by what you do for people; it’s made apparent by what you don’t do. Boundaries are love.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You’re open to new life events, but you’re not waiting for them. Sign up for an activity or go deeper into an interest. It will give you the sense of coming back to yourself, followed by the realization you’re better than ever.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). A relationship will get more comfortable for you because you communicate well. You don’t blame others for your feelings. You share strategically, helpfully and selflessly.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Would you rather have $1 now or $2 in a week? Various forms of this question will arise with today’s theme of the short term vs. the long game.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You can avoid known stress-inducers, steer clear of annoyances and sidestep foreseeable complications, but the more controlled things are, the less alive they will seem. There’s a happy medium to hit here.
TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Nov. 29). Relationships are your treasures. You’ve a talent for choosing the ones that will both fortify and utilize you. Mutual needs get met once you figure out what they are. Have patience. In the professional realm, you’ll meet a deadline, save the day, rise in the ranks and have a season of rulership. Capricorn and Pisces adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 6, 3, 33, 30 and 5
COSMIC QUESTION: “What is the responsibility of a person to stay married even after they don’t want to be? Should a Sagittarius stay married to a Cancer? We have been married 30 years. We are both in our 60s, and I don’t know if he’s going to find another mate, to be honest. But I could care less if I find one. I’m just tired of being married.”
People find new partners at every age. Your concern over whether or not your husband can find a new partner touches on something at the core of this decision. What do we owe each other in relationships? You’re more concerned for his relationship status than for your own. Maybe it’s because you feel you give more to the relationship and in not having that responsibility anymore, you would be gaining something, freeing up energy to give back to yourself, while your Cancer husband (born to the sign of domesticity and deeply attached to his home life) would be losing something, namely all that you give to the relationship. His loss of you might be harmful to his health and well-being, and yet how much of that is your responsibility? Isn’t your first responsibility to yourself and living your best life? For Sagittarius, the “best life” includes adventure. Could you do this and still be married? These are the questions to explore, and only you can answer them.
CELEBRITY PROFILES: Off the heels of the hit series “Mom,” Anna Faris is gearing up for “Summer Madness,” a comedy about rival twins. The spirited Sagittarius was born when the moon was in Pisces, an ideal placement for an artist despite, or perhaps because of, the intense empathy and sensitivity of the astrological aspect. Saturn in Leo suggests that show business is a primary source for life lessons.
Write Holiday Mathis at