The message in this lunar eclipse is on the topic of energy investment. Like money, we invest our energy where we expect to see a return. In the best-case scenario, the return is amusement, pleasure, fun and fulfillment that somehow raises our energy level to more than we started with. There will be many worthy investment opportunities for our energy this auspicious week under the Taurus sun.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). Even as authentic as you are, there’s a performative aspect to socializing. It is, after all, an art form, and all art takes effort to master. You’ll put thought into your interactions. You’ll analyze what works and grow from what you learn. Picking the right people to share yourself with will be your first success key.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Excellence in ordinary things is the accomplishment that matters more than any standout performance you could give. The only trouble is, this important work often goes unacknowledged, while flashier fetes garner attention and praise. Credit and cheer yourself on. Also, recognize the subtle, essential work of others.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Most people, at some point in life, struggle with feeling good enough for the situation at hand. While such assessments are a part of growing and knowing oneself, if you can figure out how to skip the self-evaluation this week, you’ll save yourself a lot of time and trouble. You’re more than enough, so dive in and handle it.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). As Carl Jung suggested, the self is a “coincidentia oppositorum” — both bright and dark and yet neither. Since it is impossible for a person to produce purely good or purely bad outcomes, don’t fret. You’ll complete 25 important things before the week is through, all with the best intentions.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). There’s something good about whatever style you approach with this week. If you overthink things, at least you care, and you’ll probably come up with something the others missed. Underthinking shows trust in the universe, and it leaves room for people to help you, so connections get made. All will be well.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Your natural curiosity and open-mindedness will take you to unusual places this week. You’ll accept things you don’t yet understand, and people will accept you before they understand you, too. This spirit of inclusivity — an extension of trust and a willingness to learn one another — keeps life interesting and fun.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). The contradictions stand defiantly before you, daring you to make sense of them. It’s a trick. They cannot be reasoned into a peaceful state. Stand back instead. These ideas are like the south side of two magnets: in a state of repellent instability that just might cause one side to flip.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Shouldn’t true love also be easy love? And yet, were it really so, there would be no love stories. This week, the plot thickens. The rules will be reviewed and possibly rewritten. Loyalties will be tested. You’ll learn more about the person you love and about yourself.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). When you can’t figure out why something happened, it’s natural to go into mental overdrive trying to work it out. But people have acted on their feelings, and there may be no reason that will suffice. Get ready for exciting new happenings. Stop analyzing the last thing. Choose a takeaway. Put it to rest.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Communication conundrums will occur. When you don’t know what to say, you’re in a good place. You’re recognizing the complexity of the situation, the need for careful listening and discernment. A pause can be an invitation. People get in trouble overusing their lips, not for overusing their ears.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You’ve known yourself to strive for a pure heart, clear mind and devout soul. You’ve also known yourself not to worry so much about it. Maybe the latter way suggests greater self-acceptance and a kinder overall demeanor. It’s a week of not trying, just being, and deciding that’s perfectly fine.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). More than any other time in history, people have come to expect to be entertained at every juncture. Your advantage is your curiosity. You don’t wait for others to captivate your attention. Instead, you find your own reasons to engage, which is a sign of special intelligence.
THIS WEEK’S BIRTHDAYS: You’ve worked hard to become who you want to be and you enjoy the company of those on a similar trajectory of improvement. There have been times when you set the bar high to disappointing effect, but this year’s relationships will exceed your lofty expectations. You’ll create your own definition of success and live it. Things feel so much more satisfying when they come to you on your own terms. After some schooling, you’ll take on a fascinating and risky venture and see profits.
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