DR. WALLACE: I’m a girl who just started junior high school. All the other girls and boys have new clothes, but unfortunately for me, I don’t have any new clothes. I’m wearing what I had last spring.
My mom is a single parent and doesn’t have a lot of money, but she works hard to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table. My clothes are not new like those of most of the other kids; some of them actually have outfits with fancy labels of famous brands.
I also have to use the same backpack I had back in grade school. It’s kind of hard not to be envious of the other kids that have all new stuff. I do have a few really good friends and I’m regularly an above average student, so it’s not all bad for me. But do you have any ideas on how I can feel better about my old familiar look? — Nothing New, via email
NOTHING NEW: It’s difficult when you focus on what you don’t have instead of what you do, and of course that’s normal for most kids your age.
One idea I have for you is to focus on small accessories to freshen up your look. See if you can make a few of them yourself or try shopping for some inexpensive accessories in thrift stores. You might enjoy the treasure hunt and find some great bargains along the way. You might check with your mom to see if you can do a bit of babysitting in your neighborhood on weekends to earn a little cash for yourself. This could help you to fund the purchases of a few nice-looking accessories you’d enjoy wearing.
You have a hardworking, responsible mother and your job is to go to school and get good grades. It sounds to me that both of you ladies have a lot to be proud of, so hold your head high at all times.
DR. WALLACE: I’m a guy who is a strong competitive swimmer, and my coach told me to shave everything! By everything, he meant all of my hair. I shaved everything and so did everyone else on the swim team.
Now I’m not sure if I’m faster in the pool or not, but wow do I feel sleek! So, my question for you is why do most women shave their armpits and men don’t? This is a topic I never thought much about, but now I notice everyone’s hair! — Sleek Swimmer, via email
SLEEK SWIMMER: Armpit shaving for females dates back over 100 years! Back in the old days, underarm shaving was associated with moral living. The fashion industry, razor companies and magazines were quick to jump on board this fledgling trend back then. In fact, in 1915 the Gillette Company marketed its first razor specifically designed for women.
These days, men and women often elect to shave under their arms. Males with shaved armpits may notice a reduction in body odor caused by armpit sweat. Men’s hair typically grows faster than women’s hair, so if men do shave their armpits, they likely have to do it more often.
Your coach feels that male swimmers might find an extra bit of speed due to less hair resistance in the water, which can increase aerodynamics in the pool.
Dr. Robert Wallace welcomes questions from readers. Although he is unable to reply to all of them individually, he will answer as many as possible in this column. Email him at [email protected] To find out more about Dr. Robert Wallace and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com.