The full moon in Aries, the warrior, is also known as the Hunter’s Moon. The hunter-gatherer subsistence strategy is hundreds of thousands of years old, though these days the hunting and gathering is commonly outsourced to those who’ve systemized the process. Nonetheless, this week’s Hunter’s Moon will stir instincts to remind us of our appetites and sharpen our awareness as to what it will take to bring it home.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). “It’s not that bad” hardly describes what you were going for when you started out. If you land on “not that bad,” feel free to scrap the project, abandon the mission and start over with a new plan. This celebration called your life can’t energize in situations that are merely tolerable. You were meant to be inspired.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You’re asked to play a role that’s an uncomfortable fit. If it is, nonetheless, part of the bigger picture of who you want to be, you may keep enacting it until it’s more comfortable. But if it’s simply not giving you the space to be you, draw the line; switch the script; opt out. You get to be who you want to be, so claim it.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). It’s easy to get hooked on things that feel good to you even though they may not actually be good for you. When you notice a pattern forming that you’re not sure is aligned with your highest and best, pause to consider what pain you’re avoiding. You deserve to feel good. Is there a better way to go about it?
CANCER (June 22-July 22). Your mind is busy and chatty this week and will rattle on like a tireless ticker tape if you let it. For greater well-being, quiet your thoughts. The fewer judgments you have, the happier you’ll be. Physical exercise helps, and so will the immersive sort of projects that require strong concentration.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). There are those in your life whose sole purpose, it would seem, is to press your buttons. Even after you walk away, your mind lingers in the irritation they seem to so amply supply. You can change the channel in a breath. Just breathe. It’s a cliche for a reason. It remains the best way to reconnect to the moment.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Problems will get sorted, though not quite as quickly as you’d like. It’s only natural to feel frustrated. It may help to steer that energy toward another emotion. For instance, could you get curious about the problem? Your interest has magical properties. Things will change just because you were curious about them.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Not every planet has a parent star. On those planets that roam freely through the galaxy without a predicable trajectory, day never breaks and night never stops. You’re a bit of a rogue planet yourself this week, unbound from the usual orbits, a heady courage driving you toward unknown constellations.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). The craving to be appreciated isn’t weakness; it’s human. How do we know who (or if) we are without the mirror of others? You will give a quality attention that makes people feel seen. They may not be used to this affirmation. They will love you for it, and you’ll love what you learn and receive in the experience.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You’re a giver, so it feels strange to play it cool, but do it anyway and get fantastic results. You’ll lie back and let customers, friends and love come to you. The relationship dynamic will favor you and be stronger because the other person reached. It’s good for all, since people cherish what they have to work for.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Storytelling is a social skill that enhances many areas of your life. Your ability to present stories well impacts the way people interact with your work. Good stories are a part of how you support your people. Even your relationship with yourself is enhanced by the story you tell yourself about who you are.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Your ability to identify how you are feeling will sensitize you to the feelings of others as well. When people feel understood, they trust and bond with you. Strong teams are forged in shared feeling. Use the most specific word possible to describe emotions. The more accurate the word, the greater its impact.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You’ll go after what you want with a single-minded drive. To the untrained eye, your methods may seem contradictory — passionate one minute, seemingly disinterested the next… Only the truly savvy see through this into your enormous skill set. You’re strategic, fun and committed to the dance.
THIS WEEK’S BIRTHDAYS: Imagine if you had all the support you needed, if people celebrated you in your favorite ways, if you felt secure in relationships and rich in love… Life would be a dream, right? Keep your eye on the vision because it comes together for you as you move toward the ideal. Your gratitude and cheerfulness practice keeps you dancing in the sunshine. You’ll delight in the creations of others and contribute to the larger conversation in commercial and artistic ways. You’re also lucky in sports.
Write Holiday Mathis at