The 1970s American sitcom “Sanford and Son” was based on a slightly earlier British sitcom called “Steptoe and Son.” Both involved father and son characters running a salvage (aka junk) business. Most American adaptations of U.K. sitcoms changed the series title, but in this case the American name had special significance: Redd Foxx, who starred as Fred Sanford, was born John Elroy Sanford. His father and brother were named Fred.
Which 1970s American sitcom was adapted from a British series called “Man About the House”?
A) “All in the Family”
B) “Mork & Mindy”
C) “One Day at a Time”
D) “Three’s Company”
Previous answer: The coyote is a trickster figure in Apache, Navajo and Paiute mythology.
TRIVIA FANS: Leslie Elman is the author of “Weird But True: 200 Astounding, Outrageous and Totally Off the Wall Facts.” Contact her at [email protected]