There’s a reason for the magnetism of seductive characters. They speak to the voids in us. If we weren’t lacking in some way, they would have nothing to hook onto. So, there is something for you in the seduction. The question becomes whether the seducer will really deliver it. This message was brought to you by the moon in seductive Scorpio.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). Breathe easy, take frequent breaks from your work and get plenty of sleep and exercise. Make your own pleasure and well-being a higher priority.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Competition for a certain spot will be stiff. Just because you have what it takes doesn’t mean it’s worth the trouble. Think more about what you want and how well the current offerings really fit the bill.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). It seems like everyone needs you at once, and maybe that’s part of the deal when you’re good at what you do. Keep in mind that you have the choice of when to respond. Other people’s urgency doesn’t have to be yours.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). Your memory will be strong and undiscerning, recalling important and useless facts alike. But the thing is, you won’t know which is which, so revel in it all. Sometimes the slightest detail is the key to everything.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). If you need another reason to get out and socialize, consider that you’ll see yourself objectively as someone else experiences you for the first time. Valuable insights will be gained from your interactions.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). There are those who think they are good at something regardless of how good they actually are. Don’t let yourself be bamboozled by overconfidence. Ask for proof of skill. Getting the right person for the job is a game changer.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You have the freedom to believe as you wish and openly express it. This is a freedom people have fought and died for and you don’t take it for granted, even as you exercise the opposite right to keep things to yourself.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Your attempts to rearrange your world seem futile because they are. These moves and inquiries won’t eliminate suffering, only transmute it. The way to eliminate the problem is to greet the moment and accept it exactly how it is.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Stories can be like hot meals that cool off as soon as they’re served. Timing is everything. Knowing what to trim is key. It’s worth working out before you tell it because your stories reflect you.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). One theory is that money buys you the freedom to arrange life to your preferences. In practice it will not be so. The more you can do with creativity and strategy the better, as money will complicate things beyond belief.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You can handle any nonemotional truth on its face. You can work with any fact and deal with stark realities. It’s when feelings get involved that the difficulties arise.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). In determinate games, the starting player can always win with the right strategy. In indeterminate games, two perfect players could play on forever. You will play with elegance in an indeterminate game, for instance, love.
TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Dec. 2). When you’re not so sure what’s in your mind and heart, your feet will know. They’ll take you out the door and straight to the hidden goals of your soul. Trust yourself! The new year brings clarity, peace, adventure, success and love. A lucky streak starts with the exchange of property or a significant sale. Aquarius and Taurus adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 4, 2, 22, 29 and 48.
COSMIC QUESTION: “I’m a 28-year-old Cancer woman whose been living with a Taurus man for over six years. At first, I didn’t really mind that we were not married. But lately my family has been starting to ask questions. I would like to eventually have children, so I’m wondering if I should broach the question with my Taurus. He’s been married before and doesn’t seem too eager to go in for round two. How should I bring up the subject? Also, how do I know it’s the right choice? Could there be someone else out there for me? I love him, but I’m afraid to commit.”
Then don’t. This isn’t about your family. It’s your life, so why let your family push you into a situation you don’t feel sure or even very excited about? It will be easy to bring up the subject when you’re ready — you won’t be able to not bring it up. Your nurturing Cancer instincts will take over and you’ll feel a sense of undeniable urgency. The questions you have are natural for one on the brink of her Saturn return. Trust life’s process and stay aware. Everything will be answered by your 30th birthday.
CELEBRITY PROFILES: Britney Spears has earned several spots in Guinness World Records. At one time she was the most searched person on the internet, the youngest female artist to have five albums reach number one on the music charts and the fourth best-selling artist in music history. An Aquarius Moon speaks to her charitable heart and the good her philanthropy does in the world. The Sagittarian superstar is coming into an auspicious year of controversy settled and rights regained.
Write Holiday Mathis at