Under normal circumstances, humans prefer familiarity and seek like-minds and kindred spirits. Novelty is a lesser need, though still in the mix, and never stronger than when activated by the Sagittarian arrow. The Sagittarian sun makes this point: Without new input, we go stagnant. Stagnation breeds toxicity. Stir things up for health’s sake!
ARIES (March 21-April 19). In grade school, figuring out who likes you could involve a note with boxes to check. What unfolds today is not so different and will likely depend on intermediaries.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Will intentions ripen if you give them time? No. In fact, everything gets more difficult and labored. So, do the confident thing. Act in the moment; do it while you’re thinking about it; handle it when it comes up.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). The leading role, by definition, cannot be had by everyone in the show. People who want to take a more important role in your life should earn it.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). There will be no shortcuts, as every path that seems quicker will actually be a long, expensive stressfest. Stick to the well-worn road and enjoy the ride.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). While you don’t need anything else to feel whole, you still get the gnawing feeling that this isn’t all there is for you. You may also feel like you’re in the wrong room. But at least you’re free to change your venue.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). There are easier things to interpret than the message a loved one sends now, like poems in a language you don’t speak or instructions coded by spies. Don’t act or react until you get clarity.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). In a revealing moment, the masks and disguises of everyday life fade from view. Love calls the soul forward to shine through your eyes. This is how your loved ones see the real you.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Nostalgia is a context that not all of your historical relationships are lucky enough to earn. Anyone who makes it into this sentimental realm gets to live in the glow of your goodwill today.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). There’s something about you that makes people want to impress you. They’ll make promises they can’t entirely keep, but that’s OK. If they do even half of it, you’ll come out ahead.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Saying no is easier when you think of what you are saying yes to. A no to dessert is a yes to your fitness plan, and a no to one expenditure is a yes to a bigger one in the future.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). A logical understanding of the situation will not be enough to move you to change. You have to feel it. Today, you will. You’ll know and accept the truth of the matter.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Not everything of value must be attained by sweat and struggle. Celebrate the easy things in your life — the things that require no effort at all or are so pleasurable you don’t feel their energy requirement.
TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Nov. 21). Eye on the prize, you’ll stick to your path no matter what comes. This commitment makes your life easier. There’s no room for doubt or overthinking, so all falls into alignment. Your steps become obvious, powerful and methodical. You’ll gain followers, supporters and a soundtrack that keeps everyone moving. Aquarius and Aries adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 8, 11, 4, 44 and 28.
FORECAST FOR THE WEEK AHEAD: It’s the first week of the Sagittarius solar journey, and on Wednesday, Mercury also slips into this adventurous realm. Sagittarius is the sign of exploration and risk-taking. It’s a time when we lean into fresh, new ideas with curiosity. Sagittarius season is also exciting for the social risk it inspires. Our appetites and interests open up, and we are more likely to warm up to people who are somehow outside of our typical realm.
Thanksgiving in the United States will be celebrated the 25th under a theatrical Leo moon. Shows of gratitude will be amplified and well-lit. The bit of glamour or a touch of showbiz on the matter can be embraced, as it will only make things more profoundly felt.
There’s a benefit to exploring the relationship between pleasure and gratitude. Are we really grateful for things we do not enjoy? To express thanks out of duty or obligation is to perform a hollow gesture, whereas the enthusiasm that naturally effervesces from a pleasurable experience is the very essence of gratitude. Our enjoyment in one another and in the abundance of life is, in and of itself, a kind of Thanksgiving prayer. Add a touch of formality to your joy and gratitude hits on all levels. But it’s the joy, not the formality, that communicates best.
CELEBRITY PROFILES: Goldie Hawn is a student of Eastern philosophy and has been an innovator in the field of education with her efforts to focus on methods of mindfulness. She even created a foundation to teach awareness and positive thinking to school children, improving student performance and morale. Mercury in worldly Sagittarius indicates openness to foreign cultures and methods.
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