In numerology, eight recalls the symbol of infinity — a number greater than numbers. A circle joined with a circle and winding on forever. No end, no beginning. And yet, as the stars of our own show, we want a promising open to the story. We must impose it ourselves under the new Leo moon roaring like the MGM lion. Lights, camera, action!
ARIES (March 21-April 19). A relationship will bring out the best in you. It will make you happier, as well as more creative and energetic. These zingy vibes will carry into other ventures.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You’ve a talent for seeing what will serve the most people. What you do for the good of the group will also bring about your own personal best — and in ways you couldn’t have anticipated.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You hunger for excitement, attention, experience and passion. These cravings will ebb and flow whether you heed them, feed them or recede from them. Just do what feels healthy.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). The day plays out like a Cinderella story in which unappealing work must be handled before a transformation can occur. Then, onto the glamour and fun!
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You’ll deal with the unrealistic expectations of children and the childlike. Distorted ideals — whether wondrously wise or innocent — will burst through the bounds of the possible.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Thinking ahead will be productive. Revel in future fantasies both reasonable and impossible. Planning that takes hours will save days of work. Let your mind dance inside the challenge.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Consider the effects of exposure. If you are illuminated for too long, flying too close to the sun through excessive publicity or dealing with other such demands on people’s attention, burnout is certain.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). When you say to yourself, “I don’t want this,” what you are saying is that you’re attached to something else — such as a different idea of what should be happening or who you are. Happiness is letting go of attachments to accept what is.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). To outsiders, you look busy, but you don’t feel like you’re expending a bunch of effort. It turns out that doing what you love, putting good things in the world and creating opportunities for others charges you up.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). In theory, it wouldn’t be too hard to acquiesce to what’s being asked of you. And yet, you resist due to something like justice, principle or the desire to restore balance.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Would you rather be the one bending the rules or the one trying to enforce them? Whichever role you choose, you’ll gain intimate knowledge of the limits, where they lie and how elastic they are.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). For some reason, many people will be reluctant to ask for what they want. You’ll step in and save the day. Your requests — dripping in charm — are irresistible.
TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Aug. 8). “Deep roots are not reached by the frost,” J.R.R. Tolkien said. You will know the meaning of these words as you are insulated by networks of love, family, community and your own internal spiritual resources. You’ll delight in your attractions and grow strong while tending to the lessons they bring to your life. Virgo and Scorpio adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 3, 11, 28, 40 and 16.
FORECAST FOR THE WEEK AHEAD: At this point in the Leo solar journey, in a week — when the moon is new in Leo, as well — it is prudent to ward against the evils of narcissism and the arrogant indulgences of the cosmic cat.
It will help to remind ourselves to interact with the world as it is instead of insisting it bend to our preferences. It is tempting to see new situations as blank canvases that our minds rush to fill with our fantasies of how things are. This mental process of letting our desires dictate our world view is called “projection.”
Projection is a typical human thought process that our need creates as it searches for fulfillment. Our thirst creates a shimmering mirage before us. The illusion comes in many forms: a person with the potential to heal and please us; a role to sustain an idea about ourselves; a source of financial support or love; and more. Upon development, some things may materialize as we hope, and yet, to be sure, we must temporarily set aside our hopes and examine what is really there.
People have varying degrees of proficiency in accomplishing this. How easy is it to temporarily turn off the desire that churns in you to clearly see the reality before you?
CELEBRITY PROFILES: Leos are the original artists — born entertainers. Case in point: Dustin Hoffman, a treasure of a talent whose natal chart features a rare planetary configuration between Jupiter, Uranus and Mercury in crafty earth signs. What’s indicated here is immense powers of observation honed into chameleon-esque abilities. Look for Hoffman in the upcoming drama, “As Sick as They Made Us.”
Write Holiday Mathis at