TEENS: I remember the days of old — when my children were young — when students were encouraged to enter a book reading program at the local library every summer.
Many children enjoyed this pastime and learned a little bit of new knowledge about an interesting subject or two during the summer. National Book Lovers Day is Aug. 9. This gives us all a reason to celebrate some summertime reading!
Consider checking out a nice book or two for every member of your family at your local library. Find a good spot to relax and do some reading during these long summer days.
Every citizen can enjoy all our public libraries have to offer, so start your search online and then make a visit to your local branch. You’ll be glad you did!
DR. WALLACE: I just turned 13 and I don’t know how to swim at all. I’ve taken some swimming lessons before, but they just don’t work for me for some reason. I just can’t get my body to float. I get so scared and start to sink whenever I’m in water that is deeper than my height. I’m afraid to go into water and I don’t even like going on boats either.
Now it’s summertime and I really want to be at the pool with my friends and have fun with them, but I have my secret shame about this. So, I usually make some excuse to just sit on the edge of the pool without actually going in the water. Do you have any suggestions on how I can get over this? — Swim challenged, via email
SWIM CHALLENGED: It may be possible that you have a fear of water, or aquaphobia. This is an anxiety disorder, which causes affected individuals to experience an intense fear of or aversion to water.
A mental health professional may be able to guide you through exposure therapy to help you overcome this issue. Have your parents work with you to see if there are suitable individuals in your area that can help you in this regard.
Over time, it’s entirely possible for you to be able to take another swimming course one-on-one with a swim coach who can help you to first overcome your fears, then to successfully learn the proper mechanics of basic swimming.
Dr. Robert Wallace welcomes questions from readers. Although he is unable to reply to all of them individually, he will answer as many as possible in this column. Email him at [email protected] To find out more about Dr. Robert Wallace and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com.