Although the word “sapphire” means blue, the stone comes in many colors: pink, orange, purple and all of the above in one rock. Like this hard gem, we can move outside our standard definition to accomplish something brilliant, beautiful and unexpected. The lunar influence in ambitious Capricorn offers a prize to the daring, hardworking visionary.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). Talk to yourself. Say encouraging and compassionate things. Could you do it out loud? That’s the way that will most help, though writing will also be advantageous.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Take on the small, easily won challenges. Building up a track record of success will give you the confidence you can apply to opportunities coming your way.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You feel like you’re in your own world, but others are aware. “If you reveal your secrets to the wind, you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees.” — Kahlil Gibran
CANCER (June 22-July 22). Self-discipline is not a magic ingredient that some possess and others don’t; it’s a skill to be cultivated. You’ll make real progress, figuring out how to get yourself to follow your own directives.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You’re creative and open as you do the rough work and sketch out plans in loose and messy lines. This process is exciting, and others will want to get involved.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You try to surround yourself with good influences, yet you can’t control how others behave at any given moment. Even the most principled will fall down from time to time.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You’ll think you have too much on your plate, but handling all this is completely doable. Don’t let your mind tell you otherwise. “The trick is, you bite off more than you can chew, then you still chew it.” — Will Smith
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). The day brings concentrated work, intense activity and thorough enjoyment. You don’t really have to add anything to get all this. It’s like life just got more saturated.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). One of your least favorite things is to tell a person no when they desperately want you to say yes. You can avoid getting into this situation by recognizing early on when things are headed in that direction.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You’ve tried to improve the situation through intellect, technology, psychology and more to no avail. Move it to the spiritual realm. Something as intangible as good intentions or private prayers will make a difference.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Is your dream improbable? So what? So are you. We live an existence against the odds, and anything we make of it is icing on the improbable cake. It’s a good day to push your luck.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You know you’re lovable, but it sure feels nice to get feedback to that effect. When that happens, as it will today, be sure to enjoy it, effusively if possible. Enthusiasm is love.
TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Dec. 5). Your supertalent is melding with the moment. You’ve a way of becoming so immersed in life that you help everyone around you get in the flow. Your reach will ripple beyond what you realize. Beauty, joy and music will sometimes be your quest, more often just the circumstances you naturally find yourself in. Gemini and Capricorn adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 7, 18, 4, 48 and 31.
FORECAST FOR THE WEEK AHEAD: Motivational guru Jim Rohn said, “If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.” Boxer Mike Tyson said, “Everyone has a plan ’till they get punched in the mouth.” To plan or not to plan? That is the question of an early week rife with cosmic squares. Mercury, Neptune, Mars and Jupiter all weigh in on the matter with conflicting opinions. While it’s good to have a plan in place, ultimately, the ability to read a room and respond to a moment with certainty will be more important than sticking to it.
At the end of the week, Venus and Pluto come together in ambitious Capricorn, the sign of social standing, reputation and power moves. Love’s nature comes into question. People show love in different ways and believe various things about what it means. Most of the complexities of our connection have little to do with love but are transactions and signals that seem to fall under the category. When we stop having so many rules about what love is, our awareness of what is really happening in relationships will grow.
CELEBRITY PROFILES: Sagittarians are known to keep people guessing with their broad and vibrant interests, as reflected by the colorful career of Sagittarius entertainer Margaret Cho. This celebrated comedian, human rights activist, fashion designer, belly dancing enthusiast and tattooed beauty continues to develop and define herself and her art in new ways. Recently, this includes a new podcast and a stand-up tour.
Write Holiday Mathis at