Each luminary is associated with a certain part of the sky and considered to be most in its element while in that realm. A powerful, relaxed and capable energy pervades this week as the sun, Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Neptune each spend time in their home signs. The move of Venus into Libra will be especially notable as the transit fills our days with effortless beauty and the casual delight of an array of attractions.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). There is no good reason your success should elude you. You’re ready; you’re talented; and you have the goods. Additionally, this thing you want would be a stellar fit for your life. If it remains out of reach, it’s only because it remains out of focus. Stop dividing your time. Prioritize ruthlessly. Organize around it.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You’re skilled in the art of diffusing tension and de-escalating conflict. In difficult and complicated negotiations, you’re the calm eye of the storm. When things seem to be reaching an emotional peak, move slow, talk low and come up with a reason to leave for a moment. In stepping back, you get closer.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). It feels like you are fighting the good fight on a grand scale, though perhaps it’s really a small scale approached with grand feeling. Either way, you can be sure you’re making a difference, and your growing passion will have even greater impact in the future.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). Forget about trying to be popular, appropriate or correct. Cooperation is more important than any detail or technicality. Solve the matter at hand. It is said that love is the answer, but not for this week’s problem. Love is too open to interpretation. What’s needed here is more cut and dried. The answer: respect.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). The spider spins a gossamer web — intricate, symmetrical and artistic. And though this may be the spider’s lovely home, its primary purpose is to catch a meal. This week, stay far away from the glittery attractions designed to catch more than just your interest, which are stickier and more dangerous than they look.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). People won’t surprise you too much; your predictions about them will be about right. You can definitely use this to your advantage. When the rewards come, accept them as perks of the people skills you’ve honed. Your sharp observations and keen knowledge of human character were bound to pay off sometime.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Power is not freedom. The power position often has more limits, rules and responsibilities than a lower-status position. Another thing to consider: Everyone in power owes a debt to someone. Before you seize the high-status position, be sure you know the cost. Ask yourself, “Is it really worth it?”
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). At times, you’ve felt you were reacting to life — dealing with its impositions and struggling through its obstacle course. This week represents a shift in your approach. You become proactive — an artist with a strong vision. You’ll invent your life in your head first and then live your creation.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You’ll witness a shift in a relationship this week. Your sense of emotional security doesn’t ride on this. Wisdom has taught you how relationships don’t really progress — they just change. With an accepting spirit, you can see differences as beautiful in their own way. One form isn’t better than another.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). The right decision is not to decide. Stand in one place, and let the scene move around you. It’s like you’re in a cloud that lets the light in dramatically and unpredictably, highlighting various meanings and options. By the end of the week, you’ll have many new insights about the environment and your place in it.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You’re still processing an event from years ago and will be surprised at how it pops up as a topic this week. Friends may not seem to completely understand you or relate to you in the way you’d prefer, but interactions will still have benefits that far outweigh what you can learn by keeping everything to yourself.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). If you only interacted with the people and things you liked, your world would be small and sad. While some new interests spark immediate and obvious affinity, many are slow-growing attractions — tastes, talents and passions that must be cultivated. It will benefit you to give things a chance to grow on you.
THIS WEEK’S BIRTHDAYS: Because you are a loyal person, you have elements of your life that have been there for a long time. Relationships, possessions, talents and dynamics all require maintenance. As you take care of the old, fresh adventure flows into your world. Interesting things will happen while you are in the process of prevention, intervention and repair. Brilliant moves and ideas come to you. Lucky happenings unfold. You’ll be elevated for the way you take care of business. You’ll be paid to lead.
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