Ask the yoga instructor at the hot yoga studio, the dragonfly sunning on a rock and the partygoers around the bonfire: Warmth changes things. It can make us move through life with more fluidity, bring us to a more energized physicality or draw us together. Today’s heat source will be the friction of Venus and Saturn.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). You’ll be given plenty of leeway to do what you want with a project. However, it will benefit you to ask for input from many and work in conjunction with a team, getting overall approval before you begin the work.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You will be as lucky as you are daring. Find out what happens when you take an uninteresting aspect of your day and push it a little further, and a little further, until the action moves into a territory of absurdity.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). It’s good that this fond wish of yours doesn’t come true right away. The anticipation is part of what makes an outcome wonderful. And besides, the journey is where all the learning happens.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). Sometimes, your nurturing ways allow others to relax enough to grow into the next move. But nurturing isn’t always warm and soft. Today, your care may have a tougher side.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). First comes a realization; then comes your plan. To make a plan before you recognize the true nature of things would be to plan in vain. You cannot force your knowledge, but you can observe well, holding a space for all to come together.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). The cosmic gift of the day will come wrapped in humor. Whether you laugh silently to yourself or raucously with friends, you’ll be healed by the body shake a joke can make.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Oddly enough, knowing too much about a problem could inhibit you from seeing the solution. Children and newbies may have a more helpful take on it than those mired in the issues.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You can’t change the past, but you can change the backstory. Challenge yourself to see things a little differently than you did yesterday. Find the spin that makes you more excited about who you are right now.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Although there may be no tangible prize for the endeavor you now spend so much of your life on, there are rewards to be had here, tangible or abstract, overt or implied.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You’re adaptable, with a wide social vocabulary to draw from. If you have to change your communication style to get the message across, you will. Understanding your listener is key.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). In certain tribes where bravery is more prestigious than anything that can be bought, scars are status symbols. You have emotional scars no one knows about. Would you consider wearing one with pride?
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). If there is pressure to do things right, either get the most qualified person for the job or find a way to eliminate that pressure. The spirit of innovation cannot thrive where people are afraid to fail.
TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Sept. 17). You’ll make this new era beautiful. Once you start the work, you’ll get plenty of help, so take initiative, and execute your impulses with gusto. Assemble a posse; make good on the strength in numbers. By losing some individualism, you gain access to more than you thought possible. Lessons will be worth the price. Scorpio and Aquarius adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 2, 22,10, 3 and 29.
WEEKEND LOVE FORECAST: ARIES: Goof around. Foolishness puts you at your attractive best. TAURUS: One person’s forgetting is an opportunity for another’s remembering. GEMINI: You’ll save the social day performing feats of hospitality, such as jumping in to volley the conversation, or discreetly redirecting the focus. CANCER: Don’t leave too much to chance in romantic matters. Make a plan, and stick with it. LEO: The truth keeps it simple. Another simplifier is to say nothing. VIRGO: This romance is a maze. Finding your way through is trial, error and work. LIBRA: People need time to adjust to circumstances. Also, people take transitional passages differently. Let things settle in. SCORPIO: It’s easier to discover someone’s secret if you have your own secret. It takes one to know one. SAGITTARIUS: Needs change, and so will the ways they get met. CAPRICORN: The little demands someone keeps making of you — attention, involvement, reaction — detract from your desired focus. AQUARIUS: The long view of a relationship reveals more interesting patterns and colors than the close-up you’re looking at now. PISCES: Blame or credit do not need to be assigned. You’ll stick to doing what needs to be done.
COUPLE OF THE WEEKEND: Virgo and Aquarius have complementary gifts. Virgo has a talent for project management, polishing the details and creating self-sustaining systems. Aquarius excels at finding and creating unifying purposes, rallying the troops and envisioning a future worth working toward. This weekend, the earth and air signs forge casual bonds that can lead to major and favorable influences on each other’s lives.
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